Saturday, October 05, 2013

Science and Creation

So the scientific method is basically,
1: think up an idea
2: test that idea
3: repeat the test over and over with different researchers
4: repeat this process with different tests and different researchers
5: declare the idea a well documented theory or even a scientific law.
6: keep testing the idea against newly available data.

In science nothing is ever proved or disproved, just more or less probable.  A Null Result or an idea that fails a scientific test makes the idea less probable.  Now scientists are people and they don't have unlimited knowledge.  Like most people they often just parrot crap they heard someone else say and when I hear people parrot ridiculous crap it bugs me to no end.

I hate "scientists" who talk in absolutes, although I should actually love them.  I built a career out of doing the impossible because people were closed minded, believed in absolutes and so they believed stuff was impossible, until I went and did it.

The link I am publishing addresses evidence for a Young Earth.

None of these ideas in this list of evidence for a Young Earth prove a Young Earth, they simply cast doubt on other ideas.  Evidence for a Young Earth would be something like "If the Earth is X years old then we should find Carbon 14 in quantities ranging between Y and Z in archaeological organic matter."     

Failing this test I propose does not eliminate the possibility of a Young Earth, but, it makes the concept of a Young Earth less probable.  Carbon 14 content establishes that either the world is at least 50,000 years old OR that God created the Earth with decayed organics having a variable carbon 14 content that were contained in layered strata congruent with natural aging.

Being both a Christian and a scientist this annoys the crap out of me.  To me the "God Hypothesis", the idea or concept of a true and living God who created the universe is a valid hypothesis that I accept on Faith, but, that requires rigorous testing using the scientific method before it becomes a scientifically valid theory or law.

How can we test the "God Hypothesis"?  Even if we figure out how to test the "God Hypothesis" and establish the probability that there is One True God as a scientific law how do we test the hypothesis of Creationism?

Wasting our time casting doubt on other ideas does not prove our ideas.

We need to push for science education and that means studying how science develops and tests ideas.  As far as I am concerned we need to teach:

"While the Hypothesis of Creation is a scientifically valid hypothesis we have no way of testing the Creation Hypothesis at this time.  In science education we study how scientists have identified and tested scientific hypotheses.  If or when someone comes up with valid, peer reviewed and accepted, testing of the Creation Hypothesis it can and should be taught in science education.  Until then we should teach scientific theories and the processes under which they have been tested and either accepted or rejected"

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