Tuesday, October 29, 2013

pangeic stupidity

Ever hear of the theory of Pangea?

I was just reading about Pangea in a text book.  The Pangea hypothesis tells us that at one time there was this big continental mass that over millions of years broke into smaller pieces that formed continents and these continents drifted apart until they formed the earth as we have it today starting about 65 million years ago.

I call Bullsh*t.

Spin an unbalanced ball in a zero G vacuum and see what happens.

That's tough, so just do something simple.  Take a ball and weight one side, then spin that baby up.  It will wobble and be totally crazy.  It ain't going to spin regularly or follow a regular path.  The wobble and path will be crazy, until it self balances by "moving" stuff around.  Try driving with an unbalanced tire.

No way continental drift took millions of years.  The continents had to have taken a relatively short time to balance the spinning ball or the insane wobble and resulting geophysical forces would have pretty much made life impossible until rotation stabilized.  If the Earth were wobbling crazily for millions of years it probably would have ripped itself apart long before life appeared.  We are talking about seasonal ice ages and days that vary in length ridiculously.

In order for the Earth to be millions of years old and for evolution to occur the spinning ball had to have a balanced rotation much earlier than the Pangea hypothesis would suggest.

The Pangea hypothesis is B.S.  I can't visualize anything that would make the Pangea hypothesis work when I think about it.

That does not mean there couldn't have been something else helping to balance the ball.  Another mass or some kind of displaced mass that balanced a single huge continent.  This "displaced mass" could have moved also, maybe toward the center of the ball. It just means the physics as currently postulated are improbable.

So what did happen?  I'm not sure, I would need to do a bunch of experiments on how unbalanced balls behave while rotating in a zero G vacuum.  I could run simulations on a computer, but, they would require a lot of assumptions.  Even running physical experiments would require a lot of assumptions that could be wrong.

That means I'm not sure.  It means I know horse shit when I read it, but, that doesn't mean I know everything.  What amazes me is that people lap this crap up.  They spout out the Pangea hypothesis B.S. as if it were a documented and observed fact.

I doubt if I am the only person to have figured this out.  I would bet some other person with an understanding of engineering simulation has actually done some computer simulations.  The simulations don't support the hypothesis and most people, unlike me, don't want to risk ridicule by telling a bunch of academic authorities that they are full of shit.

The nice thing about being a high school drop out is that people expect me to be wrong and when I am right, as I often am, they are surprised and say stuff like "even a broken clock is right twice a day!"

Pseudo intellectual arrogance.

I'm not really worried about the ignorant crap people teach as fact because I am a creationist, so I just think "God made it work".  But I am also obsessively curious so I want to know how God made it work, how did this spinning ball balance?

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